Prior to publication, a scientific paper’s figures must be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the target journal, but different journals can have different formatting and style specifications. Our Figure Formatting service generates publication-ready figures from your existing figure files. Examples include the combination of individual figures into an annotated, paneled figure and up-resolution of existing schematics and diagrams.
Our Service
Our editors will:
• Align your figures with all formatting requirements
• Generate composite figures from your existing figure files
• Add annotations and modify figure dimensions
• Modify file type, resolution, color, scale, line thickness, or layout
You will receive:
• Fully formatted figures in your required file type
Starting at $75 per figure
3 business days
Our Guarantee
Our track record allows us to offer the following guarantee: If your target journal rejects your figures for formatting-related issues, we will provide a reformat to resolve the issues for free.
Angela Gow
Junxia Feng
Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology
Jan Rieck
University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
Daiga Bitena
Riga Stradins University (Latvia)
Professor Angel Orte
University of Granada, Spain
Dr. Károly Jambrovics
University of Debrecen (Hungary)
Esteban Gabazza, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine
Mie University Faculty and Graduate School of Medicine, Japan
Qian Zhang
Jiangsu Provincial Hospital
Thank you so much, LetPub, for providing great services at a very affordable price. I am especially thankful for your efficiency and helpful advice to maximize my article publication chances, even in the most unusual circumstances. I definitely will come to you if I need similar editing services in the future.