ACS Photonics is an interdisciplinary forum to communicate on the latest advances in the field of photonics, all the way from basic research to applied research and technology. Embracing the transversality of photonics, it connects scientists and technologists from a broad scientific spectrum, at the interface between physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering. It also aims at bridging the gap between the academic and industrial worlds.
The first goal of ACS Photonics is to publish, through both Letters and full Articles, original and timely research which addresses important questions in the field of photonics. Novelty, high technical quality, significance, potential impact, and readability are among the main criteria considered for acceptance.
ACS Photonics also offers the community inspiring views from leading experts on cutting-edge research in two additional publication types: comprehensive Reviews that give an objective overview of the topic to date and Perspectives that are shorter, more opiniated and forward looking.